Monday, November 12, 2007

Dan at the Beacon

I asked a friend of mine to model for a few mountain biking portraits for me and he happily agreed. I met Dan through Wheel Sport when I was a pretty avid mountain biker. We took a few pics on the first trail he showed me. All of these obstacles are quite a bit bigger and more intimidating than they look.

Thanks to Dan for being patient and willing to run the same section repeatedly to get that 'one shot'.

Michael Jerome

I was asked to shoot a few portraits for my good friends Jerome and Michelle. Their son, Michael Jerome, was born on October 27th. As you can see, he wasn't too interested in having his picture taken. He was quite content napping and (when he woke up) eating. He is a beautiful baby with great parents.

Congratulations to Jerome and Michelle!! I hope to take many more pictures of Michael.

Here are a few pics from the session. You can see the rest here.